17 research outputs found

    Disasters and History

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    This monograph provides an overview of research into disasters from a historical perspective, making two new contributions. First, it introduces the field of ‘disaster studies’ to history, showing how we can use history to better understand how societies deal with shocks and hazards and their potentially disastrous outcomes. Second, we introduce historians to the topic of disasters and the field of disaster studies, and explicitly show the relevance of studying past disasters to better understand the social, economic, and political functioning of past societies

    Tijd voor bescheidenheid. De wereldgeschiedenissen van Nederland en Vlaanderen

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    status: publishe

    Beleid moet focussen op welzijn in plaats van op economische groei

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    status: Published onlin

    The impact of inequality on social vulnerability in pre-modern Breckland

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    status: publishe

    Van cohousing tot samentuinen: 'Wordt de commonsbeweging de nieuwe Derde Weg?'

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    status: Published onlin

    Waarom België goed voorbereid was op de coronacrisis

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    status: Published onlin

    How Was City Life? Moving beyond GDP and Real Income to Measure Welfare and Inequality levels

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    status: publishe